Viral Kony

KONY 2012. At this point, many have heard of it, seen it on Facebook, and probably even watched it.

It is a “simple” video portraying Joseph Kony as a vicious villain tearing up the African country-side. Jason Russell, created this 30 minute documentary to increase awareness of this individual and his crimes in hopes of bringing him to justice.  It is an emotional roller coaster with a moving and powerful message.

Christine Amy of Beyond Madison Avenue points out that this viral video may be surging on “…untapped social network power…” [KONY Island | Beyond Madison Avenue.] It is an interesting idea — how much social network power is still untapped? In just one sitting of this video, I saw the amount of views increase from about four million to over seven. And that was two days ago. It is now sitting at approximately 27.6 million views! And it has only been live for four days!

If this video can accomplish the bringing to justice of one man, what else can social media do? What else can it affect?

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Filed under Design & Technology

One response to “Viral Kony

  1. An amazing article, thanks for the writing.

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